Money Metaphysics and World Reality: Unanswered Questions

Can somebody please explain to me the reality and a proper relationship between time and the development of individual personhood as it pertains to an ethical progression of one’s relationship with money? I’ll PAY BIG BUCKS!!! As for now, it seems that the world takes its children, threatens and thereafter steals their natural consciences and …

Rantangenting on Psychology with the Help of Mr. Jones

For anyone who read my Psychology post describing the fallacious (that means false) nature of such a profession, this ought to supplement your confusion with a new stance. Albeit a likely misinterpretation or a misstatement of the psychology-based professions, Mr. Jones still provides insight into the nature of insanity. The first third or so of …

Law and Society — A ‘case’ for Sociology’s validity

Sociology covers such a vast variety of human issues that, through digesting a significant amount of material produced by it’s members, one becomes incredibly attuned to the general functionality of human society, almost like tapping into nature or taking a psychedelic drug. Similar to the way a psychologist or carpenter might have special tools to …

Law & Order – Reviewing Social Metaphysics

This topic is so big and broad that it might seem impossible to compile the significance of it all in an anecdotal critique. Nonetheless, an intelligent, sophisticated, and simultaneously aware of human’s inherent tendency toward subjectivity should be able to comprehend, analyze, and see the fundamental truths herein. Metaphysics is fundamental to human existence…despite seemingly …