Tangerant on Free speech, English, Babel, Janet Yellen, the American Downfall

Words. We didn’t make them up, but we can be judged for how we use them, even be outcast into poverty. English is a pretty good language, though, with a massive number of words and lots of exceptions to rules so as to make speaking, even improperly, sufficient for full expression. I mean, I think …

Personhood, Capitalism, Fate of the World

To the extent that a human is a tabula rasa at birth, they inevitably and beyond their control become beings of significant inner falsehoods and competing or contradictory doctrines. This is because identity is socially created, and the person is a production of the indoctrination of ideas of others. To the betterment of the development …

Kill Me…I’m a lawyer

The right to die needs to be declared a fundamental right by the Supreme Court and it needs it soon, before a third of this country finds themselves in a shit show of a dysfunctional nation, suffering ill health, poverty, and the neverending threat of violence. Human beings should have the right not to live …

Statistical data and the Uselessness of Christians in Bringing about of Utopian world

Telling someone Jesus loves them when they are suffering and could easily be helped but aren’t helped because they aren’t part of the christian community and the christian community wouldn’t help them an ounce because they are judgmental or assume that the person who is suffering and in need of help is wholly at fault …

Deluge of faux-Christian idiocy

The reasoning ability of most of the indoctrinated christian world is atrocious. Most, not all, is rife with logical fallacy, nonsensical idioms, abstract metaphors, and worse: attributing false conceptions of personhood to what rightfully belong as objective arguments in the public domain. Many people speak openly regarding things they understand little about as though they …