Tangerant on Free speech, English, Babel, Janet Yellen, the American Downfall

Words. We didn’t make them up, but we can be judged for how we use them, even be outcast into poverty. English is a pretty good language, though, with a massive number of words and lots of exceptions to rules so as to make speaking, even improperly, sufficient for full expression. I mean, I think …


Sound is the voice of the gods…and it influences the psyche/s in unknowable ways…for eternity. People can’t stand the literal, that’s why so many hate the truths about their own world that they want to exist in without thought, only self-assured bliss. Music that precisely portrays identical concepts discussed in written, literal form on Rantangent …


I’m so sick and tired of the truth being curtailed by someone else’s fairytale. My life has been utterly impossible. Since traveling the world and coaching tennis, I have been unable to fit in anywhere, and I think the true reason for that is sociological…that people finding their way like rats to get cheese have …

Rantangent Mission Statement

Humankind is in trouble. Serious trouble. Across the broadest spectrum, post-modernism is marked by existential crises and a society hellbent on ignoring it. This leaves their fate into the hands of the people who are least apt to change the course of destiny for the benefit of all. The future might seem unknown, but the …

Personhood, Capitalism, Fate of the World

To the extent that a human is a tabula rasa at birth, they inevitably and beyond their control become beings of significant inner falsehoods and competing or contradictory doctrines. This is because identity is socially created, and the person is a production of the indoctrination of ideas of others. To the betterment of the development …