This topic is so big and broad that it might seem impossible to compile the significance of it all in an anecdotal critique. Nonetheless, an intelligent, sophisticated, and simultaneously aware of human’s inherent tendency toward subjectivity should be able to comprehend, analyze, and see the fundamental truths herein.
Metaphysics is fundamental to human existence…despite seemingly apparent truths in scientific materialism. The reliability of science and its accuracy is all too skewed by human perception, even where there indeed are certain invariable, provable truths. For example, even where scientific methods are sound and utilized to study something like human genetics (DNA), the endeavor to do so stems from human curiosity (if innocent and naive) or from greed (power to know more than the world, control the world, gain understanding of realities about origins, and many other things along this realm). Let’s be honest, we all know that it’s very difficult for a project of that magnitude and meaning for human existence to not be corrupted by fears, politics, greed, manipulations, and even where no deliberate hostility exists there is likely to be disparity between the relevant actors perceptions of what the purpose is, what to do with the findings, the significance of findings, and the like. So, as we can see, humanity is dealing with a physical world, that even pro-scientific secular thinkers might be convinced of its rationality and therefore disturbed by “mystic skewing” of various religious forms, it is a part of reality, whether any one of us likes it or not.
With the relevance of metaphysics embedded in social reality, we can easily find significant flaws with the law, despite the worlds efforts to create systems that are “just”—another word so rhetorical that no two minds are identical as to its meaning. This is also where Law is, itself, an utterly inadequate word to describe what is actually happening as humanity tries to effectuate some sort of “justice” or create some sort of “order” to things.
Law. If its just a word, what is it’s meaning? Most lawyers, a profession established on terminology can’t even answer it adequately—there’s GOTTA be a reason why! That is, words and their meanings. Words get encoded into a system, people live their lives, and then situations arise and the so-called “truth” or “reality” is deconstructed and reconstructed within those words to determine whether something is “illegal” or “legal”. The interesting thing about those words, is that words and language itself is an ever-changing process. As culture and society morphs, so do the symbols used to describe aspects of it by it’s subjects. While modern humans think they are more civilized than ancient rune-makers, they also fail to see the symbology embedded into their own consciousness.
Words are sigils, combinations of sigils. Prescribed by various entities. Thus, nationalized education is inherently a form of uniform inducement, requiring a morphing (“stealing” even) of a soul, early in it’s development, and thereafter replacing IT with a new way. Though I am a white, heterosexual, male from a materially well-to-do background in this land that is currently occupied and controlled by a government known as the United States of America, I would be denying the, sometimes harsh, truth about fundamental aspects of reality that our identities as a living organisms who, being social by nature, therefore uses language, linguistics, and symbols, and those things affect every aspects of our lives. From our happiness, to our productivity, to our meaning, to our relations with others, to the sense of community, to the sense of belonging, to the sense of physical reality, to the entire basis for which these creatures that inhabit a planet may even be. Though it certainly can be quite mysterious, there is something certain that I know every single individual creature deep inside agrees: when something is unfair happens that deeply impacts our existence, it hurts, bad . . . real bad.
The above statements made about language are critical to understanding how these “injustices” might be resolved, or better understood. Essentially, they will highlight flaws in the metaphysics of law, which are abound and a few of which I will explain in detail to show people that life and law is in your hands, in our hands . . . and I desperately desire to share it with you, all of you. In closing, I will get into some of my personal experiences, thoughts, and past identity, and then describe my proposed future identity as a citizen of humanity!
The law. We hear about the ideas of “law” and “order.”
I call to anyone to find a distinction in reality between worlds of dominance that once were and are now in our so-much-more-rational world. For the roles are given different titles, but essentially still function much the same. Law is a variable: just another creation of those in power to keep everyone else down. You see? IT’S THEIR TOOL! By disobeying it, it’s creedence is lost . . . a creedence earned by many people allowing it, following it, and based on their own naivety (general trust in people). Someone can make laws around behaviors that people are engaging out in the world, that they don’t like or that doesn’t make them money, then try to pass a bill to arrest those people and take their money.
The law gets involved in stealing people of their souls. Their ways are put on trial before the world, to determine a binary judgment, is this person right or wrong, because we are about to take their life away. The so-called fair trial is hardly a true psychological or ideological advancement from antiquity, nevertheless fuedal europe.
So, since law rules, it might be better understood by the masses The Rule in this post-modern, uniformless, normless, cut-throat for money derranged fallen-mankind is hereby declared: IDENTIFY ONLY WITH WHAT YOU CAN STATE ALOUD IN WORDS, AND MAKE DAMN SURE YOU CAN DEFEND IT IN THE COURT OF LAW. This will require lawyers, whose payment will keep their role active and alive!