I’m begging the world to organize to develop protocols and establish uniform methodology for dating, sexual practice, and definitive answers surrounding what rape is and isn’t, as well as providing context for romance in this globalized world we live whereby persons of such diverse identities must interact. It is presumed that nearly all human beings experience sexually charged emotions. It is also understood that by the nature of the way the modern global superstructures are organized, that all persons must be reasonably able to interact with one another, since there is entirely diminishing spaces wherein cultural uniformity can be kept without abridging the rights and freedoms of others under American law. That is to say, in a social world where persons cohabit with 6 or 7, or 8, persons in a metropolis, there will naturally be social interaction with persons of backgrounds and identities that, at least seemingly, are at odds.

Rape. What is rape? On a crime-TV show rape is when a man lies in the bushes of a public park and jumps out when a woman is jogging by and he grabs her and throws her to the ground and forcefully does things like grab her sexual organs or penetrates them with his penis. I would have explained that he “does things . . . ” and continued on with ” . . . of a sexual nature” or “. . . of a violent nature” but neither of them really work because is rape actually sexual? I wouldn’t think that that “type” of rape would be considered sexual because doesn’t sex take two people’s willingness? Or,

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