Goth, stoicism, love, apocalypse

What is Goth exactly? Subculture. Yeah. that’s what it is, a subculture. Nay, goth is far more than subculture. Subculture presumes a dominate culture, and while dominance and suppression of the soul go hand in hand, it is hardly okay to assume that goth is merely subculture when its far more than that. It has …

On the appropriate continuation of the species according to “On the Origin of the Species”

Human life is uniquely positioned in Nature. Human life is uniquely positioned in the hierarchy of life on the planet. Human life is uniquely positioned under the divine. Human life is equally valuable to Nature as any other form of life . . . the same as with individual and groupings of humans according to …

Credibility: rantangent on humans’ truth

WARNING: NOT SAFE reading material with use of marijuana, and particularly not industry-manufactured prescriptions made for the masses Best read late at night, after midnight, with Depeche Mode’s “Wrong” on repeat, played loudy. Loud enough to almost interfere with the ability to read. (Alternative music: Atomica Project’s “Recent” is a great tune for this). Chemicals: …

“I will not accept the Greatness of Man”

Philosophies are a dime a dozen. Or is it a Penny a piece? Heck, with inflation rates today I can’t tell for sure!

Money Metaphysics and World Reality: Unanswered Questions

Can somebody please explain to me the reality and a proper relationship between time and the development of individual personhood as it pertains to an ethical progression of one’s relationship with money? I’ll PAY BIG BUCKS!!! As for now, it seems that the world takes its children, threatens and thereafter steals their natural consciences and …