Tangerant on Free speech, English, Babel, Janet Yellen, the American Downfall

Words. We didn’t make them up, but we can be judged for how we use them, even be outcast into poverty. English is a pretty good language, though, with a massive number of words and lots of exceptions to rules so as to make speaking, even improperly, sufficient for full expression. I mean, I think …

Progress?! Tim the Toolman Taylor: “Whaaauauauahhh?!”

We need new phones, faster more reliable networks of internet, electric cars, longer lasting batteries, less fossil fuel dependence, more synthetic materials, recycling plastics, natural chemicals, desalination techniques to make ocean water “fresh”, more efficient household appliances, safer cars, radiation-less everything, city lights, highway lights, cameras everywhere to watch the public, track peoples’ movements, consumption …

On the appropriate continuation of the species according to “On the Origin of the Species”

Human life is uniquely positioned in Nature. Human life is uniquely positioned in the hierarchy of life on the planet. Human life is uniquely positioned under the divine. Human life is equally valuable to Nature as any other form of life . . . the same as with individual and groupings of humans according to …

“I will not accept the Greatness of Man”

Philosophies are a dime a dozen. Or is it a Penny a piece? Heck, with inflation rates today I can’t tell for sure!

Money Quotes

“If it don’t make dollas, it don’t make sense” “The best things in life are free.” ” . . . but you can give them to the birds and bees, I want the money!” “Monetize your life to make more money!” “You get paid what you’re worth” “I’ve been poor and I’ve been rich, and …