Personhood, Capitalism, Fate of the World

To the extent that a human is a tabula rasa at birth, they inevitably and beyond their control become beings of significant inner falsehoods and competing or contradictory doctrines. This is because identity is socially created, and the person is a production of the indoctrination of ideas of others. To the betterment of the development …

Absolutely true statements that society will deny

*Sexual purity is simultaneously protected and diminished. *Sexuality and meaninfulness of bonding is overran by societal forces external to the individuals involved. *The legal system has transformed into an dehumanized industry in a culture that holds the almighty dollar above all else *Capitalism has turned the globe into a plutocracy, most certainly related to the …

WTF is with Rantangent?

The world is bad shape…existentially. Humanity is facing many serious crises, most of which go completely ignored as beyond the realm or capacity of individuals to deal with. Problematically, established institutions, having been formed from a prior era with little understanding of the future situation being created by their quests, are ridiculously unequipped to deal …

On the appropriate continuation of the species according to “On the Origin of the Species”

Human life is uniquely positioned in Nature. Human life is uniquely positioned in the hierarchy of life on the planet. Human life is uniquely positioned under the divine. Human life is equally valuable to Nature as any other form of life . . . the same as with individual and groupings of humans according to …

“I will not accept the Greatness of Man”

Philosophies are a dime a dozen. Or is it a Penny a piece? Heck, with inflation rates today I can’t tell for sure!